Our growing after-school club programme continues to be very popular, we have established after-school clubs at Barnett Wood, West Ashtead Primary School, Little Downsend Schools & Glenesk School. We work at ACS Cobham where we coach their Early Childhood, Middle School and High School extra-curricular football.

Running parallel with our development programme our after-school clubs have a great balance of learning and fun. Children finishing a long day of school will head into a fun, safe and progressive environment where they can relax and enjoy playing a sport they love.

All after-school clubs consist of learning new skills and fun games which will aid their enjoyment and help them develop!

Afterschool Club Programme

  • Glenesk School

    Years R - 2

    Mondays - Gymnastics

    Tuesday - Football

    Wednesday - Multisport

    3:45pm - 4:30pm

    Booking Made via the School

  • Barnett Wood School

    Years R - 2:

    Mondays - Football

    Tuesdays - Gymnastics (Y1/2 Only)

    Thursdays - Multisport

    3:15pm - 4:15pm

  • Little Downsend Schools

    Years R - 2

    Wednesdays - Leatherhead - Multisport

    Thursdays - Epsom - Multisport

    Fridays - Leatherhead - Football

    3:30pm - 4:30pm

  • West Ashtead

    Years 1 -6

    Thursdays - Years 4-6 Football

    Fridays - Years 1 - 3 Football

    3:30pm - 4:30pm


“The after school club is popular with our children and is very well attended. The coaches are very supportive and the children really enjoy learning new skills in a fun and interactive way.”

— Headteacher at Barnett Wood Infant School

Think your school would benefit from us running an After-school club?

If you would like to find out more about our after school provision please get in touch, we would love to come in and conduct a Free Trial Session